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Ramsgate Tunnels
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‘Little ships, large loaves’ Ramsgate & Dunkirk Talk

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Ramsgate Tunnels welcomes our very own Historian Isaac Naylor, on the anniversary of the Dunkirk Evacuations, to deliver a talk about Ramsgate's role in this historic event.

Between the 26th of May and the 4th of June, Ramsgate found itself at the centre of one of the 'epics' of the Second World War: the evacuation of Dunkirk. 

This fully illustrated talk tells the story, built around the testimony of those present, of how service personnel and civilians worked side by side to bring about the safe return and care of some 41,327 Allied soldiers who returned to safety at Ramsgate, ready to fight another day. From the tireless efforts of harbour mechanics, to those whose hands blistered from cutting bread to make sandwiches to help feed the weary, the town appeared inspired by the occasion, everyone keen to play their part. 

The selfless actions and heroism of those involved embodied the spirit of resilience and collective effort in the face of adversity, which gave the nation a renewed sense of purpose to fight on. They would also cement the legacy of Dunkirk into Britain's national consciousness as we continue to explore and remember events 84 years into the future.  

The talk will take place at Ramsgate Tunnels.

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